
Inclusively designed for everybody, whether or not you can read.

Knowing what’s in your kitchen is independence.

This may be challenging for people with visual impairment or dyslexia living in households where others can read printed labels.

Aussie YouTuber Olga shares how she uses food containers and a braille label maker to identify food

Smartphones come equipped with accessibility features than convert text into audio, and speech into text.

Screen reader for iOS: VoiceOver

Screen reader for Android: TalkBack

With the same labelling system, users can easily know what’s in their pantry or when to use things by, regardless of ability to read.

Use ZeroTag along with braille labels, or our branded embossed stickers by emailing

Did you know you can read QR codes or take photos without vision? The ZeroTag team tries using VoiceOver to take a picture.