Practice-Based Research
Redefining people’s monetary relationship with waste through business and technology.
Waste food or pollute the planet?
Resealable packaging like plastic screw-cap bottles and plastic zipper-bags can avoid food waste by enabling consumers to eat what they need and store the rest with increased shelf-life.
Bottle caps are made of materials different from the their linings and the rest of the bottle to function well. Because of this and their small size, they are not effectively recycled.
Individually portioned packs like sachets for every cup of coffee and wrappers for every slice of cheese can help users better portion their meals, extend the shelf-life of food, and avoid food waste.
Portion packs are often made of hard-to-separate, multi-layered material that are almost impossible to collect and recycle. The smaller the pack, the more material is used.
The production and disposal of food uses more energy than plastic, so saving food from landfill with plastic packaging often has a net positive impact on climate change.
Plastic pollution obstructs habitats and accumulates within organisms. It poses a threat to human health, livelihoods, and heritage, especially of coastal communities.
Should we be satisfied with choosing which harm we prefer every time we eat?
How might we eliminate both packaging waste and food waste from food packaging?
Intelligent, on-pack communication for reusable food containers
At ZeroTag, we’re solving both food waste and packaging waste with an interactive labelling system that turns the two-way movement of goods in reuse systems into meaningful communication. This accelerates technological trends in branding and logistics, delivering value across the supply chain, and aligning the food industry with a sustainable world without food waste or packaging waste.
Opportunities for research collaborations:
Life-cycle assessment of smart, reusable packaging
Efficacy of timely education campaigns while users store food
Storage, categorisation, and food waste of non-Eurocentric foods
Usefulness of a digital labelling system for the visually impaired
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